Air in Her Bones
“Standing underneath the shower nozzle, shirtless, the girl felt a huge bizarre lump on her back, making the right side flatter than the left side.”
Air in her bones, mixed media installations, 2020-2021
Air in her bones: a tunnel for air (直系列:空气隧道), mixed media installations, 2020-2021
While the audience are invited to play the part of "air", they can enter the large, flexible spinal structure in the center of the room-the “spine”. The video shows the view when one crawling inside the spinal structure.
The hands from the “hands-go-around” continue to touch whoever sits on “the correction chair”. This video shows the view when one sits on the chair and look upwards.
Air in her bones:Hands-go-around (直系列:旋转木马),
mixed media installion series 29 x 29 m, 2020.
Air in my bones: the arch (直系列: 拱形器), mixed media installations, 2020-2021